

学生 interested in a career as a physician are invited to apply for admission to the 亚洲博彩平台/伯勒尔骨科医学院 骨科医学衔接课程 (OMPP), 每年招收50名学生.

This exclusive program creates a pathway to medical school admission for select students strongly committed to osteopathic medicine and bringing healthcare access and excellence to underserved populations. 学生 admitted to the OMPP will receive comprehensive programming designed to hone their skills and ignite their passions as future physicians.


  • 与导师一起工作,接受个性化的指导.
  • 访问独家事件.
  • Interact with physicians, educators and students from 伯勒尔学院.
  • 应用 and be accepted directly into the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program at 伯勒尔学院 upon successful completion of their bachelor's degree from 亚洲博彩平台 and successful completion of the OMPP.


  1. Be a currently enrolled, full-time freshman* student at 亚洲博彩平台.
  2. 理科累计绩点是3分.0分或以上,累积总绩点3分.25岁或以上.
  3. Agree to the 伯勒尔学院 Minimal Technical Standards set forth in the 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期 to 伯勒尔学院
  4. Agree to comply with 伯勒尔学院 admission requisites set forth in the 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期 to 伯勒尔学院, including but not limited to citizenship or permanent resident status, 通过犯罪记录调查, 药物筛选, 免疫记录.
  5. 没有事先的学术或法律制裁, 违规行为, 而言, 行为违反, 轻罪, 纪律处分或重罪.

亚洲博彩平台伯勒尔学院OMPP新生申请 现在可用.


填妥的申请表格(作为一个完整的包) 亚洲博彩平台.

All packets must be postmarked and mailed or hand-delivered to Dr. 下午五点在亚洲博彩平台上课.m. 美国东部时间2024年3月29日.


Dr. Kenia Nunes
亚洲博彩平台 Department of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
150 W. 大学大道


Dr. Kenia Nunes
101室(生物医学工程系 & 科学)
周一到周五,上午9点.m. 到下午4点.m.


Applications are submitted through the designated OMPP representative at 亚洲博彩平台. Candidates must submit a completed 亚洲博彩平台/BCOM OMPP application between Jan. 1 and the last business day of March during their freshman year at 亚洲博彩平台.


  1. Personal statement on why the student wishes to pursue a career in osteopathic medicine, 不超过5个,000个字符(包括空格).
  2. 两封推荐信:
    • 由学术顾问撰写, 科学教授, 就业主管, 高中教师, 或者志愿者工作主管.
    • Printed on official letterhead (when available) and submitted by the referees directly to the OMPP representative at 亚洲博彩平台.

All application materials are received and processed by 亚洲博彩平台's OMPP representative. Qualified applicants will be considered for entry into the OMPP. Final selections for entry into the OMPP are based on the outlined criteria and will be at the discretion of the selection committee made up of representatives from both 亚洲博彩平台 and 伯勒尔学院. 如果被录取进入OMPP, participants must maintain set criteria during their time at 亚洲博彩平台 in order to remain eligible for final acceptance into the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program at BCOM. If set criteria are not met, 参与者将被从OMPP中除名.



  1. Attend joint planning sessions with the 亚洲博彩平台 OMPP representative and 伯勒尔学院's office of admission after grades are posted at the conclusion of each spring semester.
  2. Attend planning sessions with the 亚洲博彩平台 OMPP representative before registration each semester.
  3. Maintain full-time enrollment status with at least 15 semester hours at 亚洲博彩平台 each semester; complete a bachelor's degree in a maximum of four years.
  4. 理科累计成绩和总绩点达到3分.25在4上.0 scale in their first and second years of the OMPP (sophomore and junior years).
  5. 理科累计成绩和总绩点达到3分.5对4.毕业时刻度为0.
  6. 完成表格中规定的所有必修课程 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期 to 伯勒尔学院 with a grade of "B" or higher on the first attempt at 亚洲博彩平台.
  7. Sign a letter of commitment to 伯勒尔学院 during junior year at 亚洲博彩平台.
  8. 得分达到或超过500分, 没有低于15个百分位数的分部, 关于医学院入学考试(MCAT).
  9. 积累相关医疗费用, 非医疗, and community volunteer experience; a minimum of 100 hours of medical experience.
  10. 保持良好的法律和学术地位(任何制裁), 违规行为, 而言, 行为违反, 轻罪或重罪, 纪律的行为, 等. must be reported to the OMPP representative immediately for review).
  11. Agree to the 伯勒尔学院 Minimal Technical Standards set forth in the 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期 to 伯勒尔学院.
  12. Agree to comply with 伯勒尔学院 admission requisites set forth in the 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期 to 伯勒尔学院, including but not limited to citizenship or permanent resident status, 通过犯罪记录调查, 药物筛选, 免疫记录.

If at any time an OMPP participant does not meet the set criteria or standards, 参与者将被从OMPP中除名. Participants removed from the OMPP will be notified and will receive exit advising. Such students will remain eligible to apply to 伯勒尔骨科医学院 via the AACOMAS应用程序.


在他们大四的时候, OMPP participants must apply to 伯勒尔骨科医学院 through AACOMAS, the centralized online application service for osteopathic medical schools in the U.S. 并指定伯勒尔学院. 学生 invited to complete the secondary application will provide their preferred campus, 要么是新墨西哥州,要么是佛罗里达州. At this time, they must meet all admission requirements set forth in the 伯勒尔学院目录 申请人申请的入学周期, including any requirements that may not be specifically disclosed in OMPP documents, 并遵循既定的录取程序, including an interview and review by the 伯勒尔学院 Medical Student 入学s Selections Committee.

学生 not participating in the OMPP should apply for admission to 伯勒尔学院 via AACOMAS 联系 伯勒尔学院招生办公室 有问题吗?.
