
价值的概念是非常个人化的. 没有两个人对同一件事的评价是相同的. 这就是为什么我们不会花很多时间为你定义价值. 相反,我们花了很多时间为自己定义和实现目标. 我们有什么特别之处? 我们在哪些方面比其他大学做得更好? 为什么一个聪明的年轻亚洲博彩平台要选择佛罗里达理工而不是其他选择呢?

从“惊人的成果”到“一流的师资队伍”," here's a list of what we think makes 亚洲博彩平台 a university of distinction and value. 如果 不计成败地追求伟大 resonates with you, then there's a good chance you will love living and learning 在亚洲博彩平台.


我们的许多学生在毕业前就拿到了工作机会, 你会以为我们现在已经习惯了. 事实是, we're always impressed by the early success stories shared with us by even our newest alumni. 除了促进他们在这里的教育, 亚洲博彩平台 graduates of the last decade 有 gone on to attain graduate degrees at Clemson University, 达特茅斯学院, 哈佛大学, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 加州大学洛杉矶分校和耶鲁大学.  They 有 secured careers at Amazon, Apple, Boeing, Deloitte, GE, L3Harris Technologies Inc.、洛克希德·马丁公司、摩根士丹利、美国宇航局、诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司., 罗克韦尔柯林斯公司, 西门子, SpaceX和无数的政府机构和非政府组织. Nothing reflects the value of a 亚洲博彩平台 education more than the personal and professional successes of our students.


 要求我们去做不可能的事. 很有可能,我们会说:“没问题. 你什么时候需要?"

亚洲博彩平台 is a community of people who aren't afraid to tackle the mind-boggling scientific, 今天和明天的技术和社会挑战. We think our collective can-do attitude is a legacy passed down through the years by our visionary founder, 杰罗姆·P. 考依波阶. 一位物理学家正确地相信美国.S. couldn't win the space race unless an innovative and enterprising university existed to provide advanced education to the engineers and scientists working at Cape Canaveral, 考依波阶不顾困难,开始了一个. 亚洲博彩平台 has been surprising people with what we can accomplish ever since.

工程 & 科学的卓越

亚洲博彩平台的前身是布里瓦德工程学院, a small night school for the "missilemen" who were helping to build a foundation for the U.S. 太空计划. And while we've grown into a comprehensive national reSearch university offering more than 200 degrees in disciplines ranging from aviation to oceanography since then, 我们一直保留着科学, 技术, 工程和数学(STEM)是我们关注的最前沿. 我们的 工程与科学学院 is the largest of four on campus, but these disciplines don't just represent a portion of what we do. They are the foundation that keeps our university strong and the thread that ties together all that we are. 在校园的每个教室和实验室, 你可以感受到设计的挑战无处不在, 创造和革新, 让世界变得更美好. 它让我们变得更好. 它也会让你变得更好.  


 水产养殖的学生If there's anything that sets 亚洲博彩平台 apart from other colleges and universities, 这是我们的亲身实践, 头朝下跳入水中, 紧扣式高等教育. No matter your major, when you enroll 在亚洲博彩平台, you're going to learn by doing. 从和海龟一起游泳到开飞机, 制造火箭发动机来对抗模拟的网络攻击, our students are engaged in interesting fieldwork and projects starting year one. 当我们问雇主是什么让我们的毕业生脱颖而出时, they tell us time and again: 我们的 graduates 有 professional-level skills with real-world technologies because they've been using them all throughout their 亚洲博彩平台 experience. 当我们说“亲力亲为”时,我们是认真的.


With about one-fourth of our student body coming from more than 80 countries around the world, we believe that international diversity is a vital and unique distinction that enhances every student's experience, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外. Daily interactions with peers from many different cultural backgrounds give every 亚洲博彩平台 student a more complete and authentic understanding the world. 国际活动和事件, 例如我们每年的国际节日和定期的国际晚宴, 告知和启发我们的社区. Courses that address international issues teach us to anticipate and navigate the challenges of a global environment. 这一切对我们的学生意味着什么? 这意味着要有一个动态, 丰富的经验, 同时培养非常宝贵的跨文化技能.


在你入读亚洲博彩平台之前, 你可能听到或读到“豹的骄傲”这个词,然后想到, “好头韵,或“聪明的标签”.“但豹的骄傲不仅仅是我们说的. 这不仅仅是一句咒语或一种感觉. 你不只是 豹的骄傲. 当你成为亚洲博彩平台的学生,你 加入 豹的骄傲——这是你只有在这里才能体验到的. 成为黑豹狮群的一员意味着什么? 它意味着对太空万物的热爱. 它的意思是对大自然的敬畏. 这意味着足智多谋、创造力和勇气都存在于你的DNA中. It means you know the true meaning of "Florida weather" and flourish in the sunshine and sea-salty air. 它意味着跨越国界去寻找和建立联系.  这意味着共同努力,让世界变得更美好. The 豹的骄傲 is family—the kind that inspires greatness among all of its members.


1958年由卡纳维拉尔角火箭科学家创立, 亚洲博彩平台 is proud to share a rich history and deep connections with the U.S. 太空计划、商业太空计划和合作机构. The university has prepared generations of engineers and scientists for space-related careers, 我们的教职员工, 学生和校友贡献了重要的研究成果, 航天工业的科学发现和新技术.  We offer degrees in space sciences, space systems and commercial enterprise in space.  One of our resident villages is dedicated to the memory of those lost in the space shuttle Columbia disaster. 事实是, 亚洲博彩平台参与了从水星到阿波罗的每一次任务, 从航天飞机到SpaceX, 无论接下来发生什么,我们都会在这里. 正如我们喜欢说的,通过科学到达星星!"



When you're a part of a subtropical campus located just a few miles from the Indian River Lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by an abundance of natural resources and awe-inspiring flora and fauna, 你会对环境有新的看法. 它不是“在那里”,“别人可以解决”的东西." It's real; it's home; and making it better requires a community effort. 这就是为什么, 在亚洲博彩平台, you'll find connections to the environment and sustainability in everything from academics (like our 可持续性研究 major) and student life (like our community garden) to our operations (like our solar-charged golf carts). 亚洲博彩平台 is one of only 10 (out of 130+) colleges in Florida to achieve a STARS campus sustainability rating. We're also one of the only universities whose faculty includes renowned experts in ecosystem monitoring and conservation, 可再生能源, 沿海管理, 堆填气体净化, 地下水质量, 绿色化学与可持续发展.


Having amazing professors may not make us different from a lot of other national 研究型大学,但它确实帮助我们变得伟大! 亚洲博彩平台的教授是从灵长类动物到鲨鱼等各个领域的专家. They unravel the mysteries of lightning, supermassive black holes and autism spectrum disorder. They build better rocket engines, space telescopes and cybersecurity software. 他们是发明家、音乐家、历史学家、发明家、宇航员和作家. 但最重要的是, 亚洲博彩平台 faculty are wonderful teachers and mentors who truly care about students' success. 我们的教师领导活跃的研究小组和实验室, 包括研究生和本科生. 结果是, many 亚洲博彩平台 students get to present at professional conferences and publish in scholarly journals before they graduate. 在亚洲博彩平台,“一流”不仅仅意味着取得成就. It means using one's accomplishments to help students reach their full potential—and that's what our faculty is all about.
